Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cricut Queen

One of the coolest gifts that I have ever received was from a friend that I met thru taking my Cricut Classes. She makes the coolest things anyway but this one was for me. I made a new friend and have a most awesome piece of art for my scrap room. Jami says The Cricut Queen is really her and not me because of the hair. Jami has bangs and I do not. I will just go on letting Jami believe the Cricut Queen is her. I think she is the Cricut Queen in training. Thank you, Chris for the most beautiful queen anyone could ask for and thank you to your Jim for the wooden stand that she stands on. By the way, the wooden pole is stuck up her rear, I hope you are not trying to tell me something by this.

1 comment:

Lissa Ballard said...

She is darling!! I love her... I just ordered paper dolls so I have every intention of making fun little things like this too. Thanks for sharing your little queen!